Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Choosing between right and wrong is not always obvious, though surely possible… with a little care and attention! Last night I made a daft mistake through not thinking; of course I blame it on ill health or age or something. So I had a good time at house group and decided for a change to leave ahead of the others, ‘cause manhandling my guitar means I normally wait until everyone else has sorted coats and shoes. Should have waited, as… I arrived home to the sound of my phone ringing, and the voice simply asked if I had a set of keys in my pocket. Mmmh, yes, but I shouldn’t have should I? Unless I’m wearing someone else’s coat! Similar but not the same meant a second 15 mile round trip, so all a bit silly of me. And that reminded me of the time when I puzzled over my shoes which appeared to have shrunk a size during house group. The best happened some years ago when I used my key to open the car door, sat in the driver’s seat and then tried to work out why it was suddenly rather dirty and filled with rubbish. And why had someone upgraded my car radio? Oops, my identical car was parked two spaces further up the road!

I’ve no idea how to avoid little mistakes like these, but some things I can do differently. Right then, the weather continues to be rather uninviting after an extreme few days. So it’s an indoor day. And I spent my working life using my car as an office, truthfully enjoying every type of weather. But no longer, as I’ve worked out sunshine is good for my health and wet weather less so. Not rocket science of course. Ok, so I’ll not focus upon the rain and a mountain of things I cannot achieve outdoors; but I will at least remember the beautiful cliff top walk when I stumbled across a field of ponies, completely carefree as we all enjoyed a gorgeous day. Music? I quite like Christian radio from California where the weather is certainly hot and usually sunny. And I actually feel much brighter compared with the past few weeks; so for a happy hour I resumed decorating; yes a 3 month break was long enough. Now I not only feel good, I feel as though I’ve achieved something really useful. It would have been so easy to simply crash out on a chair with a book, turn the heating up and shut the world out. Making the effort to choose positive thinking with positive action was worth it. Kindergarten stuff really, but not always put into action.

Revelation 22:5 And there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them.’ (NLT)

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