Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Becoming a Christian, walking with God, does not guarantee an end to life’s problems. But it does mean we have someone very special to share them with! And my pic again tries hard to illustrate a beautiful sunny day threatened by a boiling mass of fluffy white clouds. Of more concern are the black storm clouds, seeking to really put a dampener on the day’s events. Yes, I may be back home but my heart is very much still on holiday so one more seaside photo. And I've had a difficult couple of days to deal with as well. I guess I’ve overdone things a little and am paying the price with a health relapse. It’ll pass. But I also feel rather low, just returning to my empty house with no wife to share it is still pretty rubbish. An almost sleepless first night doesn't help; it was 4am before I managed to immerse myself into a moderately disturbing dreamland. Somewhere in my subconscious though, resides an eternal optimist; I eventually woke up walking along with two quite delightful companions, one on each arm and of course both female. Totally non-romantic, just very friendly. That’s all I want. But a shame the dream finished so abruptly as I have no idea where we were going. And I can still hear their laughter today…

Anyway following my somewhat emotional return to Derby, I did have the most wonderful experience last night. Exhausted, I went bed very early, around 8pm, and submerged myself in Kindle-Land whilst listening to UCB Christian radio. I've found that to be a perfect wind-down before sleep. So the end of each day they broadcast a Worship Hour programme, and I often engage quite nicely with their track choice. But part way through I met with God; his amazing presence filled my bedroom and his peace and joy filled my heart. I was truly bursting with happiness! I want to live like that 24/7. One day I will. Just like Jane. In the meantime though, my life is well and truly worth living.

John 16:33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.’ (NLT)

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