Monday, March 28, 2011

28th March Chemo Day 35

It’s been another very difficult day for Jane, battling several small problems alongside extreme fatigue; she survived by dozing in her recliner for a few hours before settling on the sofa for an afternoon nap. Survival with an on-going hope of recovery seems to be the order of the day… the main symptoms of chemotherapy should pass and Jane should be beginning to feel stronger and brighter soon. This evening she’s begun to wake up for the first time today and is almost cheerful as we watch Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets. Then again food is one of the great loves of Jane’s life and never fails to please.

In a general sense we’ve lived quite spontaneously for several years now whilst we’ve both been battling with ill health and we’ve been forced to remain very flexible when making plans. But at the moment it’s not possible to look beyond today and indeed in one sense ‘today’ is all there is. Whether we have a little or a lot we have to make the most of what we have each and every day.

Matthew 6:34 ‘Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.’ (NIV)

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