Wednesday, April 06, 2011

6th April

Another disappointment today. Jane has not been booked in for her very minor op until Friday... quite distressing, but very much part of this abnormal life we now endure. What does it cost the NHS to give Jane a bed and full care for a week when a procedure that took maybe 45 minutes from start to finish last time could see her on the way home very quickly? Seeing a loved one suffer so much with continual problems is very difficult, but what can one do?

I’ll tell you what we did. We had a bit of a laugh… the ladies in the beds opposite Jane took special note when I scrambled under the bed for a lost perfume bottle top. Apparently I have a ‘cute bum’… am I allowed to share that as a good Christian? I rebuked them ‘quite sternly’ and later the male ward nurse brought full retribution by relating the event to the visiting husband! Anyway I then persuaded Jane to escape on a ‘hot date’… with permission I busted her out of the ward. It’s amazing where a wheelchair and a portable oxygen supply can take you, actually to the other end of the hospital where they have a small and quite pretty garden. We enjoyed a happy hour in some lovely spring sunshine surrounded by daffodils drinking coffee and eating wine gums. Quite decadent, though we did manage to say a couple of prayers together which should keep us in God’s good books!

To finish visiting hours we had our older granddaughters come to entertain us. Quite delightful and I wonder what pleasures tomorrow will bring?

Revelation 3v4 ‘All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before my Father and his angels that they are mine.’ (NLT)

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