Thursday, November 24, 2011

24th November

Still tired and struggling with motivation. But at least I understand why I feel like I do and know enough to avoid accepting it as inevitable. Although I feel obligated to tell it like it is when writing this blog, that doesn’t mean I’m not fighting hard to change. I will climb out of this pit of depression and despair; I will keep my eyes fixed on the one who can transform any problem. Jesus is able to bring victory over any challenge, all my hope is in him and I trust him completely with my life. And really it is all down to him, I have very little reserve strength, but what little I do have I use to make sure I’m in a good place with God. So that means looking after myself in every which way I need to. Despite being an M.E. sufferer I determine to remain as fit and healthy as I possibly can, so I try and eat carefully as a vegetarian, buying substantially organic food. And I am seeking to build a regular walking and swimming routine into my weekly schedule. A healthy mind is a real challenge with the ‘brain fog’ of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’, but I still challenge myself with Sudoku every day and read quite a lot, seeking to avoid the dumbing down effect of too much TV. Spiritually I start every day with a Bible study I bought for my Kindle a few weeks ago, and that always makes me think, as I never accept any other person’s ideas without proper consideration. And I live for most of the day in an environment of worship courtesy of my mp3 player and a sound system. But all of this is just a foundation to enable me to ‘get out there’, I have no intention of allowing ill health and depression to confine me to the cloistered life it could easily become. I love meeting new people, I love encouraging folk to live a full life in as healthy a way as possible. But the greatest privilege is in being able to share of the wonderful work of God in my life and helping others to reach out to him for themselves.

Romans 10:13 ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ (NIV)

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