Saturday, April 21, 2012

21st April 2012

When the storms of life come crashing in, everything seems a little blurred and it’s hard to imagine life being any different. How on earth can I walk along there without getting washed away? 

But sometimes just the passage of a little time changes everything. The sun comes out (it’s always been there really), and the way ahead becomes very clear. Yes, today I feel much better, though somewhat headachy. That’s just part of the M.E. thing so not that important. Hey, I’m no longer tearful and that is a relief! And I’ve had a nice day with the normal Saturday morning visit from my eldest daughter and, this time, both her children. So then I had the privilege of my eldest grandchild sharing her pre-teen angst about secondary school. I think it’s wonderful that she has such a good relationship with her parents and feels able to share this stuff. Her mum’s great! Come lunchtime my youngest daughter and her husband stopped by with all the ingredients for home-made soup and that made me happy. Our conversation eventually turned rather more serious though, as she told of her upset at the death of a guy who once shared a house with one of her close friends. Sounds like some sort of street brawl outside a city centre pub. And the guy subsequently arrested was also well known locally. It’s one thing having school kids fall out but that’s far more difficult to handle.

I’m so glad I walk with God. Whether I’m walking through a storm, or strolling in the sunshine; whether the storm is destined to last for years or blow over in a few hours, ultimately it doesn’t matter that much. The only thing that really matters is that God is with me… in the midst of the storm and in the beautiful sunshine of a blessed and favoured life. I don’t want to live a life of ease, with an excess of pleasure and all the rest of it without the Lord. I’d get myself in a greedy mess for sure. Yes, I’m sure I appreciate the finer things of life far more, having learnt to persevere through suffering. And I’m well aware that the measure of my suffering is nothing as compared with so many in the world. I really do see myself as favoured by God in a way that so many are not. Why he chose and called me into a relationship with him is a real mystery. I certainly deserve nothing, and yet, he gives me everything. Actually the only thing I ever did was to say, ‘Yes, I believe and I give my life over to you Jesus’. Truth be told that’s a prayer I need to make every day even now, as whenever I do things my way I end up feeling rubbish and just get into a mess.

Walking with God is a privilege and he always surprises… so there I was inserting the following scripture just to tie up my post and I suddenly realised my internet radio was playing a track I’ve never heard before, called ‘Your Grace is Enough’. I don’t understand how God causes something like that to happen, but I love it when it does… probably far more often then I realise!

2 Corinthians 12:9 ‘My grace is all you need.’ (NLT)

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