Monday, April 18, 2011

18th April

It’s been rather stressful just thinking about the hospital appointment today. Jane had to battle with a migraine as even considering another medical intervention was just a little too much after the trauma of last week. Anyway we were really relieved as at the moment Jane’s x-ray shows no measurable new fluid build-up over the last week and so it seems they won’t proceed with a permanent drain for a while yet. Although some fluid remains from last week’s drain they need clear sight of rather more before fitting the new device. And so, barring an emergency admission, Jane can now enjoy a three week ‘holiday’ from hospital appointments. A difficult, tiring day but a good result.

Lord thank you for your favour in giving Jane some respite from hospital treatment. Thank you that at least in this one regard her condition has not worsened over the past week. But Lord you really are much bigger than this. Have mercy and completely heal, completely restore my wife… please Lord!

Matthew 8:3 ‘Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared.’ (NLT)

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