Saturday, April 02, 2011

2nd April Chemo Day 40

I am an eternal optimist, I will not apologise for this. All of my hope is in God and him alone, though whilst my faith assures me of a future in eternity living a life of perfection my Bible tells me that in this life we will have many troubles. Today has set more across our path and Jane is back in hospital. She woke this morning quite normally although a little stiff in her side. A brief visit to the bathroom accompanied by some not too abnormal coughing and suddenly she was in agony with an extreme pain in her side. Very similar symptoms to her previous unscheduled hospital admission a couple of months ago and she’s been told not to wait around should she get problems like this.

Jane’s now in Nottingham City Hospital and transferred to a comfortable single en-suite room at least for a few days I guess. She’s programmed to have fluid drained from around her lung after the weekend and precautionary treatment for a possible blood clot is being given. We should find out sometime soon about the actual effectiveness of chemotherapy as for us this result is not part of the plan. Perhaps it is just a setback and a challenge to be overcome and completely dealt with, I don’t know… it’s been a rubbish day though no matter how kind and caring the staff in the assessment unit.

I came home, picked up my guitar and sang a couple of worship songs… I don’t really understand why we’re in this situation but I do know that God is with us and my heart is filled to overflowing with his love, even though I feel a little broken.

1 John 4:8 ‘God is love.’ (NIV)

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