Tuesday, February 08, 2011

8th Feb

How can life be so good and yet so challenging at the same time? We’ve had a day of great pleasure spending time with our grandson… watching him dancing with his mum, pushing his toy train around the track and learning how to finish his lunch interwoven with a river of tears as we travel along this amazing journey of life!

Jane has had another quite good night’s sleep and a couple of mornings now she has woken up breathing quite normally and thinking that she’s better. It must be so difficult to cope with getting up only to have a horrible bout of coughing again. One day, maybe tomorrow she really will recover… all our hope is in God, we hear of miraculous stories and know for sure that he loves us completely. Whatever we go through we will thank him for his goodness to us, we have been so blessed and favoured in so many different ways!

Psalm 127v2 ‘For he grants sleep to those he loves’ (NIV)

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