Saturday, May 07, 2011

7th May

Another challenging day. Jane is becoming increasingly weak and struggles to walk at all. She remains determined to keep moving though and rejects completely the suggestion of using the wheelchair indoors, but it’s painful to watch her efforts. It can sometimes take 15 minutes to walk 5 yards with a couple of breaks on the way. This is no life. And she’s becoming more and more uncomfortable due to immobility; sitting in different chairs or lying down is about the only way of getting some relief, apart from the dreaded morphine.

Life is impossibly hard and simple survival is about all we can see happening. So… how to move forward? How can we arrest Jane’s on-going decline in health? I believe we’re doing everything we can, that we can see; perhaps we’re missing a few tricks from health professionals but we do keep asking so I don’t think so. And this Monday Jane has an x-ray and interview again so we’ll see what happens then.

Jane’s life is in God’s hands. She and I are totally secure in him. There is not the slightest suggestion that our faith journey is faltering and hope is a banner that we wave vigorously. We continue to pursue the person and purpose of the living God, and every day my guitar gets an airing with our time of worship. One of life’s greatest delights and most special privileges is being able to sing praise to the Lord. Jesus truly is the name above all names and losing ourselves in his presence as we worship him is the most precious experience of our day.

Habakkuk 1:2,5
2 How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But you do not listen!
5 The Lord replied, “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it. (NLT)

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