Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29th June

So I sat down to place a few pieces in the jigsaw after breakfast, I still find it a helpful distraction. And then I remembered I hadn’t read my Bible yet, I’m usually quite enjoying going through the book of John at the moment. Anyway, today I couldn’t be bothered; it just felt like another chore and the thought came that it’s been such a long while since the Lord spoke to me through his word that it’s not important, not for one day anyway. But I did feel a little guilty knowing that really the Bible is God’s love letter to the world, and his church and more specifically to me. But why raise false hopes of a personal word from heaven today? Let’s do the jigsaw and get lost in self-pity?

So with a sigh of slight annoyance I started the nearby Kindle to read my current devotional Bible and the machine automatically took me to the place I’d finished at yesterday. And there was the Lord’s love letter written specifically for me, for today, set right in front of my eyes. A very familiar verse but nonetheless the tears flowed and my heart filled with unspeakable joy… the joy if heaven itself. I know exactly where Jane is and exactly who has prepared that place and a way, one day for me to join her in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not deserve his mercy or his love but my flawed life belongs to him and I will honour and follow him as best I can for the rest of my days.

Oh yes, and all of a sudden the jigsaw holds no attraction whatsoever, I think I’ll go shopping instead and then maybe I’ll pack my motorhome as I’m thinking of travelling to my favourite place which is on the south coast, Deal. But that won’t be easy…

John 14:1-3 ‘Your heart must not be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.’ (HCSB)

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